Monday, March 1, 2010

Back at it

Well we went and did Chest and Arms today, I am about beat. SO tired, i slept in this morning on accident and wasn't feeling well at all. After the gym though I feel it top! I am not feeling the "pump" for some reason but the fatigue is really bad. Andy is awesome motivation and helps pass the time alot. A spotter is awesome again. I know when Heather gets home she will be pleased that I am in better shape. We go in for Back and Shoulders tomorrow. I cant wait/

Friday, February 26, 2010

Power House Gym

Wow what an old school Gym! I love it there! Old ass weights and an old ass manager! Feels like some place that the greats worked out back in the day before all these commercialized gyms sprang up. Been there 2 times in the last few days and I feel so much better with my bro spotting me. I am able to lift more weight and feel safe about it. Also the motivation we both bring to one another is awesome. Only thing I don't like really is that he likes to jump from one muscle group to another on the same day and doesn't really concept how to work out correctly.... I must educate him!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Slacking again!

Damn it I am slacking again haven't worked out in 2 days and my eating habits are going down the drain... Too much going out with friends... Got to get back on the train doing laundry tomorrow and then hitting the gym for some chest and back. I am gonna try and get up early and hit the gym so that I have more time later in the day to do other things. The gym on base is always packed I need to find a good time when not a lot of people are there.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday Arms

OK well I didn't have a lot of time in the gym yesterday so I did a super set workout
Fast and effective!

Dumbbell Curls
10x30 3sets
Tri Push Downs
10x100 3sets

I did these right after one another and rested for about a min and repeated.

21s with the 40!

Was really hard but I was able to compete a full 21.

Hammer Curls
10x27.5 3sets
Rope Tri Push downs
10x100 3sets

I did these right after one another and rested for about a min and repeated.

I was really starting to get burned out here but was able to really get a good feeling in my tris. My Bis where so shot I couldn't get my left arm to lift half of the last set.

Over all a good day, just wish the gym wasn't so damn full! It seemed like everyone was there yesterday. Also I was the smallest guy there and got a lot of wtf looks. I don't care anymore I just wanna lift.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I slept most of Friday and today.So damn tired.... Also massive hangover from last night. I will be doing arms on Monday. Stand by....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At the Gym! Chest Day!

Well I am having a hard time telling if I am actually working my chest like I should. It seems that my arms are giving out before my chest during the workout. I added squats to the beginning of the workout and will see if it helps at all later.

Here is what I did today:


Dumbbell press
10x30s easy
10x40 start here next time

reg bench

decline machine

cable flies (a lot of fun)

Decline dumbbell press

Over all I do not fell real good about today's workout. I really wish I had a spotter so I could push more weight, I play it safe because it is just me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I went to the pool today and did 10 laps. A lap being down and back as 1. Its a great way to workout on a off day that's not really stressful on your joints. Also it is nice to lay out afterward like a turtle in the sun. Yes I am from Louisiana if you didn't get the reference to the turtle thing. I use to work on a turtle pond where they raised them and shipped the eggs over seas. Well back to the workout part of this blog....

I have been looking into ways to stimulate the chemicals in the body to make them recover and promote growth in the muscles. So what I am reading is I need to work my Legs the day before I do Chest! The biggest muscles will produce the chemicals that I need to really gain some mass on my chest and arms. So in conclusion I am gonna rearrange my schedule to do Legs the day before Chest/Back and the day after do Arms/Shoulders!