Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday Arms

OK well I didn't have a lot of time in the gym yesterday so I did a super set workout
Fast and effective!

Dumbbell Curls
10x30 3sets
Tri Push Downs
10x100 3sets

I did these right after one another and rested for about a min and repeated.

21s with the 40!

Was really hard but I was able to compete a full 21.

Hammer Curls
10x27.5 3sets
Rope Tri Push downs
10x100 3sets

I did these right after one another and rested for about a min and repeated.

I was really starting to get burned out here but was able to really get a good feeling in my tris. My Bis where so shot I couldn't get my left arm to lift half of the last set.

Over all a good day, just wish the gym wasn't so damn full! It seemed like everyone was there yesterday. Also I was the smallest guy there and got a lot of wtf looks. I don't care anymore I just wanna lift.

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